author Manuel



  • The benefits of exercise for weight loss. Basic exercises for the muscles of the abdomen, arms and back, legs and hips, sides and abdominals. Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss.
    17 December 2021
  • Types of ketogenic diet for weight loss: targeted, cyclic and standard. Basic compliance rules, permitted and prohibited products, sample menu. Contraindications and possible side effects.
    20 November 2020
  • Proper nutrition for weight loss is a day-green day-roll and anything can happen day - no need to restrict caloric intake, do not need to reduce the amount of fat in the diet or the quantity of techniques.
    29 March 2019
  • All about weight loss products: a complete list of foods that promote weight loss, glycemic index, a list of products that cannot be consumed.
    24 March 2019
  • All about proper nutrition for weight loss: meals, balance meals, recipes, the importance of water, exercise, step-by-step video recommendation.
    7 March 2019