Diet and exercise for weight loss belly and sides

The abdomen is the second most common problem area for women who suffer from overweight. Fat it accumulates quickly. And to make a large waist again thin very difficult. Even if that fails, the laxity of the stretched skin still makes the figure unattractive.

Can solve a problem only a comprehensive approach to weight loss, if from the first day will be made effective ways on how to tighten up stomach: exercise and beauty treatments. Helps to do it visually correctly chosen shapewear. Rapid weight loss belly is possible only in the case if you work with this problem area purposefully.

Proper nutrition

diet for weight loss belly and sides

Slimming abdomen and sides of the proper nutrition plays a key role. And it's not just a specific set of products. A well-composed menu for the whole week, a reasonable allocation of meals on time, drinking regime and avoiding harmful food. Let's analyze in greater detail the highlights.

Basic principles

Powered by weight loss belly must be fractional. Often a large waist size is obtained not only because of the fat. For those who always ate a lot, the stomach walls are stretched, and they quickly feel hunger again.

To reduce the volume of the stomach is possible by reducing the size of portions. The transition to several meals per day will allow you to solve this problem without starving.

  • Drink water! Discipline yourself to start the morning with a glass of clean water, acidulated with lemon juice. Water activates the digestive system, prostimulirujte peristalsis and awaken the entire body. A Cup of water to drink half an hour before each main meal.
  • Eat Breakfast! Breakfast is not a Cup of coffee and a sandwich. Best healthy Breakfast – slow carbohydrates: cereals or pasta made from durum wheat. They will give energy for the entire first half of the day, but the extra calories will have time to leave until the evening, even if you are a little tired.
  • Eat the soup! But not nourishing soup or triple your ear. Cooked in vegetable or strong meat broth soup is healthy and nutritious. At the same time its calorie content is relatively low. To eat soup you need warm. Food with a temperature above 60aboutWith burn mucous of esophagus and disrupts normal digestion.
  • The combination of products. A very strong influence on how well they assimilate. In order to saturate needed a smaller amount of food, it is better to use the principles of food combining: eat meat with vegetables, oatmeal with butter and fruit, gourds in a separate meal.
  • The snacking. Not only do they have the right to life, but to be sure, if the breaks between main meals for more than three hours. Effective weight loss is only possible if the body does not experience hunger constantly. Otherwise it will begin to conserve energy and slow down metabolism.
  • Dinner. And torment yourself with hunger at night is also absolutely not necessary. The benefits of this no. If you go to sleep at 23, you can easily afford a light dinner in the 19th and even 20 hours. And about half an hour before bedtime drink a glass of nonfat yogurt if you want to eat.

Try these tips and you within a week you will notice a decrease in the volume of the stomach. The process will go faster if you choose the right products.

Useful products

healthy foods for weight loss

Varied and properly prepared diet for weight loss belly and sides is very important. Most likely this problem area are postponed carbohydrates. Now their number is definitely need to reduce.

If you are actively trying to tighten up the belly to build muscle fibers necessarily need animal protein. So are meat and fish on the table should be mandatory.

Often the stomach seems bigger than it is actually because of the constant swelling that is a symptom of violation of normal work of the intestine or the consequence of dysbiosis. To solve these problems help high-quality dairy products, but they need to choose the minimum percentage of fat.

There are particularly useful for nutrition when losing weight belly products:

  • cucumber – low calorie, high micronutrients, perfectly clean the intestines;
  • ginger – improves blood circulation, increases immunity, speeds up fat burning;
  • cinnamon – quickly removes the feeling of hunger, stimulates the metabolism, accelerates weight loss;
  • cabbage – all varieties are rich in potassium, necessary for normal functioning of the heart, it has a lot of vitamins, fiber and low in calories;
  • buckwheat – perfectly cleanses the intestines, rich in valuable microelements for a long time satisfies hunger;
  • grapefruit – helps to fight cellulite, rich in vitamin C, contributes to the rapid breakdown of fat;
  • greens – helps to clean the intestines from slag accumulation, contains many useful minerals.

To prepare food by any means necessary, which is not used fat: baking, boiling, grilling. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten fresh and not cleaned from the skin.

Vegetables that contain starch: potatoes, beets, carrots need to be careful. They can be used no more than one serving per day.

Harmful sweets

What products can be harmful, already for anybody not a secret. Among the tasty but unhealthy, there are some which for weight loss belly and sides is absolutely unacceptable. That's what will have to give in the first place:

  • sugar and sweets – they are first deposited in the form of "rescue" to get rid of that very difficult;
  • semi – finished products- they are usually a lot of salt, contains preservatives, harmful chemicals;
  • fast food is almost pure fast carbs, as the main idea of these restaurants for a hearty feed, but not for long;
  • sweet drinks – carbonic acid not only irritates the stomach but speeds up the absorption into the blood glucose, which in these drinks a lot;
  • sausages – sausage quality buy now is very difficult, and properly – meat waste and up to 75% of the chemical gel-thickeners;
  • frying – when frying with low-quality oil produced carcinogens, and quality in the food is absorbed, greatly increasing its calorie content;
  • ice cream contains too much sugar and fat, and often also a lot of harmful chemicals and dyes.

There are some foods that are good for health, but eat a lot of them still can not. This is nuts, seeds, fatty fish, bananas, potatoes, sweet fruits, dried fruits, marmalade, natural, high-quality marshmallows.

Physical activity

Most effective help to lose weight aerobic exercise. It's running, swimming, outdoor games, all kinds of aerobics, fast dancing, walking, rollerblading and Biking. As you can see, ways to enjoy movement, there are many. Therefore, the assertion that physical activity is boring, just another excuse for slackers.

A big mistake many dieters to fight belly fat doing crunches. Such exercises do not burn fat! They pump up the abdominal muscles, strengthen them well, but if you don't struggle with belly fat, waist size may even increase.

exercise for weight loss belly and sides

So slimming and tightening of the abdomen it is better to do the following:

  1. The warm-up. Any movement at a fast pace, which will increase the heart rate to 60-70% of the maximum allowable load (220-age): jump rope, running in place, fast dance, etc.
  2. Tilts forward. As a variant – exercise "the Lumberjack", when closed over the head hands sharply down and back up again over his head.
  3. Push-UPS. First push-UPS from walls, benches, with emphasis on the knees. They accelerate weight loss for stomach and well-worked hands and a humeral belt.
  4. A pair of scissors. Well-known and very effective exercise that is great is working out lower abs, shakes her ass and is helpful for slimming of the legs.
  5. The leg lifts. Alternately right and left, without bending, you need to raise as high as possible from the prone position. But the legs do not fall on the floor, and all the time are weight.
  6. Twisting. Lying on your back bent at the knees feet rest against the floor and put your hands behind your head. Alternately to reach right elbow to left knee and Vice versa.
  7. Reverse plank. The body weight held at arm's length from the supine position. Legs firmly with his heels resting on the floor. To complicate can be another leg elevation.

Even a simple project is enough for weight loss belly and sides, provided that the home practice will be daily, and the exercises are performed at a fast pace, which contains the heart rate to the desired range.

When these exercises seem too simple and boring, you can diversify your complex. Very useful video tutorials for weight loss belly and sides that are easy to find on the Internet. They are accompanied by the comments of experienced coaches who say what to pay attention when you exercise.

Beauty treatments

To remove stretched skin from stomach after weight loss can be very difficult. Sometimes we even have to resort to plastic surgeon. To with this problem to face, better from the beginning not only limited to exercises, and at least 1-2 times a week to perform cosmetic procedures that improve skin condition and tightens it.

The easiest way to go to the beautician in his Arsenal a lot of effective ways to solve this problem: hardware massages, ultrasound and laser face-lifts, chemical liposuction and mesotherapy.

But the cost of these procedures is quite high, and to obtain tangible results requires a course of 5-10 sessions. A good alternative can be home treatments if you do them regularly and correctly.

Effective weight loss belly faster is achieved by:

  • Clay masks. White, blue, or green clay. They provide an excellent lifting effect and at the same time cleanse the skin of toxins and excess sebum. Clay bred pure or mineral water to a thick sour cream, a thick layer is superimposed on the stomach. Now we need to lay flat until it is fully cured. And then gently rinse with warm water and apply to the skin moisturizing or anti-cellulite cream.
  • Coffee wraps. Caffeine is perfectly tones skin, improves blood circulation, promotes rapid incineration of subcutaneous fat. For wrapping you need to use fine-ground coffee, which is predefined for 3-5 minutes in boiling water. Pressed the thick spread evenly over the problem area, wrap it with cling film, cover with a towel and lie down for 20-30 minutes.
  • Anti-cellulite blends. Usually it is a natural oil with added essential or other chemical components that accelerate metabolic processes in the skin. To make home-made mixture, add 50 ml of peach, apricot or olive oil 15-20 drops of essential (juniper, ylang-ylang, grapefruit, rosemary, bitter orange, cinnamon, etc.).
  • Massages. Better if abdominal massage will be done by a professional. This is a very effective procedure, but it has many subtleties and contraindications. The problem is that if too intense clicking can hurt internal organs, or worsen chronic diseases. Useful cupping and honey massage of the abdomen, which is easy to learn and then to do it yourself.
cosmetic treatments for weight loss

The experience of loss many women confirms that only a comprehensive approach to this problem, you can quickly make figure look toned and beautiful.

If you try to lose weight on strict diets or do exercises and routines for weight loss belly and sides that lost fat, the skin will quickly SAG and will make the body unattractive.