Weight loss stories from our readers

To lose weight together, using someone else's positive or negative experience, can be a lot easier and more effective than alone, only on the basis of theoretical knowledge. In this section of our site presents real stories of weight loss from users who managed to normalize their weight through diet, pills, special exercises and other techniques.

Real history is the best motivation


Real stories of people who lost weight is a great addition to the dry enumeration of recipes, rules and tips. After all, even the most detailed instructions can be interpreted in different ways, have something to lose, something not given importance. And only by reading the detailed description of the process by learning about errors and their consequences, you can find the correct path that will lead to a better outcome.

In addition, these success stories inspire confidence in what to get rid of excess weight although difficult, but quite real, even if the amount of extra pounds appears solid numbers. Particularly impressive are the stories with photos before and after weight loss when you can not only read, but even on your eyes to ensure that specific methods, multiplied by their own perseverance.

Personal experience with

Almost all want to lose weight face the same problem – very difficult to limit yourself in food, to get to go to the training and to accept my appearance for what it is, not to worry about the excessive fullness, but look for proper ways of getting rid of it. Stories with photos of ordinary people before and after weight loss help you gain confidence in yourself even those who have lost hope to get back to normal Constitution. This is the best support, perfect motivation, irrefutable proof that to normalize the weight can and should be, if you put a real target, and then to persevere to achieve it.

We have all heard about the numerous cases of "incredible weight loss" various celebrities. They believe the average person who suffers from obesity is difficult, because its capabilities are very far from those that are available "stars". So most of these people don't even try to make at least some effort on yourself and change yourself. But if the result of your weight loss shares a ordinary man in the street, the reality of achieving success becomes much closer. Therefore, our site presents true stories of ordinary people who were able to create a shape of your dreams. They don't just explain how it was possible to achieve, but often describe their lives before and after weight loss – what positive changes occurred as improved their personal relationships.

We need to support each other, telling about their personal experience and results achieved in the case of weight loss. After all, someone's success story can change the lives of many people, photos before and after – become a powerful incentive for starting a diet, joining a sport or healthy lifestyle.