How to lose weight for free

People have long thought how to lose weight for free has been invented many effective methods, which are based on the basic principles of weight loss. Today you will learn how to make a program, which is based on calculations of energy intake and energy required for different activities. Would be a nice bonus that, unlike the purchase of fitness equipment, fat burners, etc. the basis for the future programme will not require any financial costs.

We count calories

how to lose weight

As stated in the basic rule of losing weight: "you Need to burn more calories than gets your body". If you forget this fact, you can go down the drain the whole program is weight loss. To remove one pound of fat (approximately 450 g), you will have to burn 3500 calories over you spent during daily activities. Of course, from them you will not get rid of in a single day, to avoid harm to health, but gradually.

Cons free weight loss

Below is a step-by-step instruction for all calculations:

  1. You need to calculate your base metabolic rate. We are talking about the minimum number of calories required for digestion, respiration, etc. – this means, for the vital systems of your body. For calculations using this calculator. However, keep in mind that it cannot be considered 100% accurate.
  2. During the week try to keep a record of each activity that you have dealt with. Activity, both physical and mental, playing sports, walking, any work – everything you need to record. So you get an idea of calories burned daily. It only remains to calculate the averaged amount, if you add the results of each day and divide by 7. The article "Calories and activities" can be used for calculations.
  3. Need to watch how many calories you have got along with food. All week keep a careful monitoring of their diet and burn without exception. As in the previous paragraph, count the results for each day and then determine the average result. The calorie content of different foods you can learn from special tables.
  4. It now remains to lay down the basic metabolic rate with the number of calories calculated in the second paragraph. Now from the value subtract the average number of calories consumed (p. 3). If one eats more than required activities and a basic level of metabolism, you have every chance to continue to gain weight.

Example how to lose weight for free — calculate the calorie consumption for the day

Anna calculated that her basic metabolic rate is equal to 1400 calories. Thus she manages to burn 900 calories with regular exercise during walks and lessons at home. To maintain current weight, she needs to get 2300 calories. But, as shown by the logbook of calories from food Anna gets daily 2550 calories. If it goes further, then every 3 weeks she will gain weight on half a kilo. And to blame the extra 250 calories.

This example proves how easy it is to gain extra kilos, not even knowing about it. However, it's just as easy to lose weight, although the process is lengthy. You can start with small changes in diet and immediately start burning more calories than is obtained from food. Need to find a way to burn off the extra 200-500 calories per day. For example, it is necessary to replace excessive calorie products more useful and easy. And at the same time, to give more time to the sport. The idea is not bad.

How much time is needed to give the sport

When reducing weight physical activity is an important element. Experts recommend to exercise 200 minutes a week, no less, and it will be 40 minutes a day for 5 days a week.